Candidate Experience Survey Template

Candidate Experience Survey Template

An Efficient Recruitment Process Is the Key to Success

You can define a recruitment process with infinite adjectives such as long, tedious, tiring and monotonous, or fast, efficient, and easy. It depends not on the organization but on how the candidate looks at it. Millions of candidates might come for the walk-ins, face to face interviews, and so on. Not all have the same opinions about the recruitment process. Now you can know their opinions via the candidate experience survey template.

Know what is going wrong in your recruitment process and whether you can attract the right talent through your current process. When you get good feedback from the candidates, you can invite more potential candidates. It’s a ripple effect. Gain the trust of the candidates to pull up your value.

Keep Your Customers Closer & Focus on Goals With Interactive Forms

With PeppyBiz form Builder, you can shift your focus from the mundane tasks and give a vision to your long-term goals. Assure a speedy process of registration, pre-bookings, feedback, applications, orders & requests from your customers & clients.

Ask Relevant Questions

Determine the aim of your survey. Is it to boost your branding or have a simple change in the recruitment policies. Create a list of questions such as, was the recruitment process too long or too tiring? Was there any contradiction between the questions and the job description. Frame clear questions to get detailed reviews.

Whom to Send Surveys

You can send your surveys both to the hired and the rejected candidates or merely the hired ones. Remember, if you ask the rejected candidates, they will bombard you with negative responses outrightly. Therefore, you can either choose not to send them or send them after a brief rejection period to get honest feedback.

Turn Feedback Into Strategy

Feedback is a powerful source of inspiration and the right time to turn into strategies. If you get negative feedback, you can put forward the decisions in front of HR and make changes. Work on the low response rates and look forward to adapting to a more stringent yet effective recruitment process.

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PeppyBiz Provides Integration With Multiple Platforms

Now you can integrate PeppyBiz with multiple platforms such as Shopify and Woocommerce and many more. Run your forms on third-party platforms and invite in more leads to attain more conversions. Enhance your brand value and achieve your goals with ease and flexibility.

Never come across such a professional presentation of surveys, forms and quizzes. PeppyBiz form builder has a user-friendly interface and the templates are so easy to use.The best part about PeppyBiz templates is that you don’ t have to put in much effort on the formatting front and you can quickly build a connection with your customers & clients.

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